Troubleshooting WiFi
This page explains symptoms experienced with WiFi monitoring
Symptom 1. No Access Points listed
After clicking the location tile containing a Wireless Controller, if the watch status panel does not show any discovered Access Points (APs), there are a number of possible reasons:
The controller was added less than 30 minutes ago
There are no active APs on the controller
This controller is already being monitored by Highlight
All the APs have been moved to another location from the controller, refer to moving APs
For Ruckus, the SmartZone controller must have a valid TLS certificate installed, and it must be assigned to the Management Web service. The certificate authority must be trusted by the machine that the agent is installed on.
Symptom 2. Client Count chart is empty

If there is only one data point in the time period then Highlight cannot draw the chart. A minimum of two data points are needed. So, every day at midnight, nothing is drawn until the second sample is received (after 10 minutes). Or in a whole day, if only one sample is received the chart will not draw. Same applies to the first day of the month - data is rolled up every 4 hours so nothing will show on the month view on the first until after 8 hours.