Troubleshooting Details page
This page explains general symptoms related to displaying the Details page
Symptom 1. Clicking on folder/location opens Details not Status Heat tiles

If a folder or location only has a single bearer watch with no discovered elements it is standard Highlight behaviour to go straight to the Details page, bypassing Status heat tiles. However in rare cases the heat tile is displayed first... see next section.
Symptom 2. Clicking on folder/location with a single bearer opens Status Heat tiles

As noted in symptom 1, if a folder/location only has a single bearer watch, selecting it in the Highlight tree should go to Details but in rare cases Highlight goes to Status Heat tiles
The cause is related to the configuration of a performance test with the wrong SNMP Read/Write community string, which was saved then subsequently corrected.
When a user saved the test Highlight associated the Read/Write community string with the device, caching it for the next test configured.
Once the test was corrected (or deleted/recreated with the correct read/write community string) Highlight sees this as different to the previously saved string on the device so creates another “virtual” device with this new combination of community strings rather than overwriting it. So now Highlight thinks this location has two device bearers not one (the real device and a virtual device), and it presents the Status heat tile first.
There is nothing in the Highlight user interface that fixes this anomaly. Deleting an old performance test does not remove the read/write community string on the bearer.
Symptom 3. Techtest fails from technical information

If a watch is active in Highlight but only accessible from the non-primary poller, then the technical test button at the top of the technical information window will not work. Highlight uses the primary poller in the folder to gather real time information from the device.
Symptom 4. Draytek serial number missing from Technical Information

Draytek devices do not publish the device serial number via the MIB so this field will always be displayed as "Unknown"