
This page is a listing of device details, primarily gathered from the monitored device, and shows details of devices as gathered by Highlight. All devices in or beneath the folder selected in the Network Explorer tree are shown. Click on any line to view more details on that device and any associated watches or to run a technical test for current device information. Technical details are updated every 4 hours for most devices.
Panel header

The total number of devices is shown in brackets.
Column headers

Sort the list by clicking on a column header which will then turn grey with a white triangle to indicate ascending (▲) or descending (▼) sort order. If no triangles are visible it is not possible to sort the list using this criterion.
- Name
- the device's hostname
- IP Address
- the address or DNS name used to access the device
- Vendor
- the manufacturer
- Type
- hardware model if known
- SysLocation
- the system location configured on the device which may be empty
- Location
- the location (in the Network Explorer tree) where this device was found
- Path
- the folder path for the location
- System Description
- additional information about the device such as the full or partial OS description of the device detailing the current firmware or software version. Hover over the text to see the full information.
- Supports
- the capabilities of the device in terms of the Highlight features that can be enabled on it
- Last Checked
- the time in UTC when Highlight last received an update of this information
- Last Restarted
- the time in UTC this device was last restarted or rebooted
- Licence
- displays the license versions available and enabled on the device. Hover over the licence for more details. See the licensing details page for more information
- Serial Number
- displays the device serial number in blue if known and otherwise displays [Unknown]. Hover over the serial number for more details.
- for Cisco physical devices, the identifier of the SIM card if one is installed in the monitored device
- SysContact
- the contact information configured on the device which may be empty
The same device can appear multiple times, either if it is used in more than one location, or if it used in the same location but with different SNMP community strings.
The first 1,000 devices in the selected sort order are shown. You can download the complete result set as a CSV, or see a smaller result set by navigating to a subfolder using Network Explorer.
Controller device specifics
- Details are updated every 10 minutes
- All discovered SD-WAN devices show in Inventory, even if they don't have any watches
- To avoid multiple rows for a device with more than one IP address, only the IP address of the first watch is shown
- When tech testing a device with more than one IP address, the first watch details are used
- Last Checked is last updated
- Last Restarted is available for Cisco Catalyst but not Cisco Meraki or Fortinet devices
- Licence expiry details are available for Meraki but not Cisco Catalyst or Fortinet devices